Sunday, 11 March 2012

Silent Sunday

For more great Silent Sunday posts pop yourself over to Love All Blogs...

Silent Sunday


BavarianSojourn said...

Oh no.... How did that happen? Poor thing, I hope he is all healed up soon! :) xx

Emma said...


Erica Price said...

Oh dear! Bet that hurt.

Frankie Parker said...

He was running a wee bit fast, fell and hit his face on the corner of the TV entertainment unit.... Poor wee thing...

Unknown said...

Ouch - Corner in the eye really does hurt!

sarah said...

ouch!! those pesky corners!

Mum of One said...

Ouch! Poor thing.

Emily (@amummytoo) said...

Oouch, poor thing. Doesn't look too deep though and they heal so fast at that age x

writingsramblingsandreviews said...

Ouch Poor thing! Hope it heals quickly

Bibsey Mama said...

Yikes. And is Mummy ok?

Sarahmumof3 said...

ouch, both my boys did the same running and fell into the TV cabinet, both now have a matching scar above their eye!

Mummy Vs Work said...

Oh poor thing, hope its healing up ok.

Notmyyearoff said...

Ouch, hope he's ok now.

Jacq said...

We had a similar injury on DS's head this week. They bled a bit, don't they?

Unknown said...

Children get all sorts of bumps and bruises don't they? Hope he didn't hurt himself too much and I'm sure he'll be racing around again in no time (if he's not already) x

Steph (@imcountingufoz) said...

Oh no, poor little love. Hope he's all right.