Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Who’s hiding in your wardrobe......??

So I think I may have either made a bit of a bad judgment call or did some character building on Sunday evening.  In that I let Son no 1 watch Dr Who with me.  Not that watching Dr Who was the bad call, he loves it, I love it. It was more the episode, as it featured a little dolls house with creepy moon faced dollies running round turning anyone unfortunate enough to be sucked into the house into more, creepy moon faced dollies.  While watching it his little face was looking more and more worried, maybe even a wee bit scared.  He finally told me he didn’t want to watch anymore and went off to his room to play.  When it was time for stories at bedtime I was asked a few questions about the dollies and would he have any in his room.  After much reassurance he went off to sleep.  We had similar conversations throughout today about the dollies and how he would fight them off. 

Hmmm, bad move perhaps?  Character building I say.  I love scary movies and books, I grew up on them.  I remember as a child watching the “Sunday Night horror” where, funny enough, every Sunday night a horror movie was showed on the telly.  Usually the old Hammer horror films with the odd Hitchcock film thrown into the mix.  My sister and I used to scare each other stupid, leaping out of wardrobes, hiding underneath the beds, tapping on the windows.  Many a night I went to bed utterly petrified that something was hiding in the wardrobe.  So you can see how my love for this genre of film and books just grew and grew. 

Mr P is amazed at the amount of “crap” as he calls it, that I know about werewolves, vampires, Freddy Krueger, or who Jason or Michael Myers are.  In fact it is one of the many bones of contention in our household when it comes to what movie to watch.  I inevitable go for the horror or Sci-fi, another great love of mine, while he wants the nicer movie.  We generally meet somewhere in the middle with a Thriller.

I draw the line at a bloody Rom Com, the only Rom Com I want to see is one where Jennifer Aniston plays a zombie bride and it’s actually funny!  

Scary looking for a 5 yo aren't they??

Pictures courtesy of the BBC


Anonymous said...

One of those dolls looks like my ex wife.... Mr P

Emma said...

I have a little girl just like you, obsessed with anything scary. A complete scooby doo addict, along with finding films like Coraline fascinating! She adore Dr Who if we had it here... Small boy however is the opposite. Scooby doo has him whimpering when any ghost or monster appears, Coraline was a no go for him, and we watched the Labyrinth the other day and he had nightmares about Hoggle... It must be a boy thing!! Emma :)

Emma said...

would adore even!

Mari's World said...

No way!!! NO, no no no no. I cannot and will not do scary films, I'm such a wuss, it plays on my mind for ages afterwards. As a kid, I always imagined someone with a huge knife was under my bed and ready to kill me through the mattress - yes, I realise now how difficult it would have been but back then *shudders at thought*

Fox in the City said...

I HATE scary films. I HATE films that are supposed to be thrillers but end up making me feel anxious . . . I feel that enough without having to add more to it!
My Little Miss is a big gigantic wimp when it comes to movies and I am okay with that . . . because I am as well.

Frankie Parker said...

Mr P - just as well you mentioned EX wife...

Emma, i remember watching scooby doo as a kid and loving the scary monsters..

Mari and Jenn... I think i am just odd at times with my taste in things...

The Real Supermum said...

I will watch them as long as you come to the toilet with me...

Frankie Parker said...

Okay, its a deal...

Jacq said...

I HATE horror films although can cope with a zombie comedy type storyline. I watched 32 mins of 'Final Destination' once and had nightmares for 4 nights in a row.
My kids wouldn't cope with Dr Who. I didn't like those dolls at all although I managed to watch the episode. I couldn't watch the weeping angels ones though :(

Frankie Parker said...

Jacq, that weeping angels one was very spooky to say the least. the 5yo still talks about it...

Stigmum said...

I love horror! I just can't WATCH IT ON MY OWN!!! WA HAA HAAA HAAAA!!

Frankie Parker said...

Finally someone else who likes them, was beginning to think that i was a bit odd....