For more great Silent Sunday posts pop yourself over to Love All Blogs...
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Bloated? What? Me!
So it seems there is something else I don’t quite
understand. That perhaps a woman of my age should, something the media keeps
telling me I must have. What could this be, what must I have since I am a busy
woman of certain years who runs round trying to juggle everything at once?
Well let me set the scene..
Currently there is an ad on the TV here in NZ of a
former NZ Miss Universe, (Yes really we did actually win one once in the early
80’s.. Coincidentally it was when NZ was starting to go Nuclear free and with
the contest being held in the States.... well I am not one on conspiracies
theories but....) who is wearing a lovely silk evening gown going on about how
sometimes she has to wear this but would rather be wearing this... Next shot
she is shown in comfy clothes and somehow by eating this “magic” yoghurt she
feels so much better and confident to wear the dress and life is so much better
for it!
So it seems, since I am being told daily, I too
must have that “bloated, uncomfortable” feeling, where I want to go about all
day wearing comfy clothes as heaven forbid you just can’t wear fitting clothes
when feeling bloated! I too should be eating\drinking those little bottles of
“magic yoghurt” that will fix everything and make my day so much better.
But here is the problem; CAN someone
actually tell me what this “bloated” feeling is? What are these women on the
telly and in the magazines all going on about?? As I really have no idea!!
Now don’t get me wrong, my diet is not always the
best, I do feel bloated and at times do feel a bit uncomfortable wearing
fitting clothing but that is generally just after I have eaten a rather large
meal, followed by such goodies as dessert, coffee and wine. In my case it is
always self inflicted and it always it resolves itself the next morning by the
way nature intended. But a day to day feeling of being bloated, no I don’t
understand that. Surely if you are feeling a bit uncomfortable doesn’t a wee
fart or popping to the toilet normally resolve issues? According to some “scientific” research
conducted women apparently still have an issue admitting that they fart? So if an average person can or needs to fart up to 14 times a day and its not happening where is all that gas going? Yes people, shocking news
isn’t it but everyone does it, even the Queen so I’ve been told!
Surely I cannot be the only woman out there that
has no idea what they are going on about?
Of course I can’t help thinking, and as I said
before I am not into conspiracy theories but.....
Think how prevalent these yoghurts\drinks are now,
perhaps these big corporations have stumbled onto a money making machine caused by our busy lifestyles? Perhaps instead of "needing" these yogurts\drinks all we need to do is to eat properly, listen to our bodies a bit more.......
and have that occasional sneaky fart!
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Help, I 'm turning into one of those mums....!!
Heaven help me, who would have thought it? But it
seems that I am slowly turning into one of those mums... You know those shouty
mouthy mums who take their little darlings to their sports every week and then
decide to shout at them and tell them how to play? In our case it’s the nearly
6 year olds first season of playing hockey. Its proper hockey with sticks and
mouth guards and I am finding myself on the sidelines yelling at him “to hit
the ball”, “watch the ball” and my favourite “what are you standing there
for?”! So while I stand there getting all hot and bothered about it he is
nonchalantly standing there, singing to himself or using his hockey stick as a
ninja sword or light sabre.. Arrgghhhh!!!
Quite ironic really as I have been spending the
last couple of weeks telling everyone about an annoying shouty dad at swimming!
Who likes to yell in his very obvious accent (let’s just say he is from a very,
very, large country in the north Atlantic!!) swimming instructions to his son
while he is having a lesson.
Hmmm, what can I say other than “hello pot this is
To make matters even worse is that I have no idea
what he should be doing as I have never played a game of hockey in my life. I
have had to watch a few games (under duress I may add...), due to Mr P having
played it since he was a nipper but that’s it! So not only am I the shouty mum
shouting at her son I am also the shouty mum who actually has no idea what she
is shouting about!!
How bad is that??
I suppose we can blame my slightly competitive
nature, yes I like to win or to at least do well if I can’t win. So I want the
same for my sons, I want them to do well, their very best. I know the nearly 6 year old can do better,
that he can actually hit the ball quite well, I just want him to do it on the
field each week! Mr P is quite relaxed
about it all and thinks it will just sort itself out and the game will just
click for him. I hope so and if it doesn’t then fine at least he tried...
My sister who watched his games last weekend was “polite”
enough to point out that he is not the only one on the field looking like he
can’t be bothered. Mind you I don’t
think the parents of the children she was pointing out where that impressed
with her pointing this out!
So Mr P thinks it is best that I give the games a
miss for the next few weeks. Just so the
nearly 6 year old can ease himself into the game without his fishwife of a
mother shouting at him.
Good news, it should
give me enough time to read the hockey rule book......
Sunday, 13 May 2012
Sunday, 6 May 2012
Thursday, 3 May 2012
“You did WHAT with the Lego”
If you are a hardened Lego geek then this post comes with a
warning. As this post contains Lego and glue,
yes that’s right Lego and glue!
So you may be thinking “What are you doing!!” But as I sit surrounded by boxes of Lego, instructions
and glue on my table it all makes perfect sense to me. That I have had enough, no more will I have
to hear cries of “Mummy Lightening McQueen is broken can you fix him” or “Mummy
where is the rest of my (..Insert any name of a fiddly piece of Lego...)!!” Now I don’t mean gluing together your general
Lego blocks I am talking about the kits, Star Wars, Cars 2, Ninjago, Super
Heroes, Lego City etc. You know the
expensive bits of Lego that you painfully put together only for them to be
broken 10 minutes later. Then the painful
cycle begins...
I don’t care if the main reason that Lego is a favourite toy worldwide
is because of the ability to reuse the bricks to build new things. Quite simply I have had it! There are only so many times one can rebuild
a Star Wars fighter, helicopter etc before one completely loses the plot with
the dam stuff.
Now don’t get me wrong I do love Lego myself and can spend hours playing
with it. After all I am the designated Lego builder
in our household and enjoy nothing better than getting a new kit and putting it
together. Perhaps that is why I get so
anxious when the boys start playing with it knowing that they will eventually
break it.
So over the last few months as the boys attentions have gone from one
piece to another I have secretly hidden them away. Plotting on how I am going to do this,
waiting until the time is right when I can sit and glue the pieces
So time for a gut check, do I still think it’s a good idea? Yes. Do the boys think I am crazy? Yes..... Does
Mr P think I am bonkers? Yes... Do I want to back out? No....! It just needs to be done for my sanity if nothing
So here goes.....
PS. Here’s a tip just in case you
think “wow what a great idea”. Don’t glue
the piece completely together, leave a few pieces unglued so if it drops it
will break but not shatter...
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Argh, Daylight bloody Savings.......!!!
So it's week two since out clocks went back and I
think you can guess by the title of this post that I am less than impressed by
it! The reason being is a certain little person in our household who
seems to be stuck on NZ summertime so he thinks its okay to wake at 5am!!
Yes the one who is almost 3 hasn't quite got his body clock sorted yet so we have the pleasure of him waking the household every morning at 5ish by turning on all the lights and asking “Why is it dark mummy?” Needless to say it's taking its toll on both of us. The other two males in the house seem to have that ability that all males have which is to sleep thru any noise created by a small person in the night. You know the one, “Huh noise, oh crap, roll over, optional fart or itch, then back to sleep” You may think that this is a rather generic statement but I am sure it just doesn’t happen in our household?
Yes the one who is almost 3 hasn't quite got his body clock sorted yet so we have the pleasure of him waking the household every morning at 5ish by turning on all the lights and asking “Why is it dark mummy?” Needless to say it's taking its toll on both of us. The other two males in the house seem to have that ability that all males have which is to sleep thru any noise created by a small person in the night. You know the one, “Huh noise, oh crap, roll over, optional fart or itch, then back to sleep” You may think that this is a rather generic statement but I am sure it just doesn’t happen in our household?
So he is permanently cranky and I am a walking zombie (also
cranky) who is craving a lie in to say, oh I don’t know, 6am perhaps...
It doesn’t help either that prior to the clocks going back he was managing to go a couple of days without his daytime nap so he is still trying to do that. “I don’t need to sleep mummy as I am a big boy now” Oh those words are coming back to haunt me now...
It doesn’t help either that prior to the clocks going back he was managing to go a couple of days without his daytime nap so he is still trying to do that. “I don’t need to sleep mummy as I am a big boy now” Oh those words are coming back to haunt me now...
So it goes without saying that he is a walking
screaming tantrum throwing tyrant at the moment. Bless his little cotton
Of course in between the tantrums there are a few
comic moments like when he falls asleep while eating his lunch or when he
totally crashes where ever he was playing with his brother.
Oh I was so looking forward to the holidays and lying
in until after 7. Letting them sleep and to naturally wake up,
to have a leisurely breakfast and morning together. But no the tyrant
seems to have other plans for me.
But really, 10 days in and we both need more sleep and
he needs to get himself sorted or else I will be medicating both of us...
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Crikey where has that year gone??
Well isn't it amazing how time flies when you are having fun? Of course I am using the word “fun” rather
loosely. With moping around for a bit
after being made redundant, then relocating the family back to NZ, finding
somewhere to live and of course moving in, I missed the grand occasion of
Frankie Parker turning 1.
Happy Birthday to Frankie P or is it Happy Anniversary.......???
it was back in March last year that I decided to give this blogging lark a go
and in that time I think, no I am pretty much sure, I have seen it all.
The good, the bad and very ugly side of the blogging and twitter community. Everything from the cliques, bitchiness and backstabbing,
to the caring, well meaning and supportive comments and tweets. It always makes me think whether I would see
this sort of thing if I wasn’t in a “mummy” blogging network? Really, if you don’t like what someone has
written, let it go, move on, life is far too short to worry about the opinions
or thoughts of someone you are never going to meet!
all new bloggers, there were times where I was continually obsessing about
posting something, why I wasn’t getting comments, where I was in the monthly
rankings, but then real life would pop up and make me realise that blogging isn’t a competition or the be all and
end all. It’s what I do to keep the grey
matter still ticking along. I do it for
myself and for no one else. Of course it’s
great to get comments and know that someone is actually reading my ramblings. So a big thanks for taking the time to read
my little corner of the blogosphere especially those that have been there from
the start. You know who you are....
that time I have meet (not in person, but you know what I mean) some great
bloggers and read some great posts, some have made me laugh, some have made me
cry, some have made me think (yah!) and some that I can just relate to so well
its quite scary. More importantly I now
know what I like to write about and what I like to read.
is it “Chin-Chin” and here’s to another year?
Not sure, I would like to think so but the lack of desire to blog which
I wrote about back in January is still lurking about. But I am now picking up pen and paper to jot
things down. So that has to be a good
thing, right?
what I do know is that Frankie P needs some loving so a new blog profile and
photo are top of the list for her me thinks.
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
It's Daylight Bloody Robbery....
I see you there sitting on the shelf,
sitting with all the other “Imported” goods. Looking at me, imploring with me
to pick you up, to roll you round in my hands, to take you home.
But I can’t... or rather I won't! It’s
not that I can’t afford you; it’s just that I can’t bring myself to spend $4 on
you knowing that in London you are a measly 68 pence!
So let’s do the maths,
68p converted at today’s rate would be only $1.30. So not only are you twice
the price of the Kiwi equivalent you are 3 times are much as you are in
England. So being the principled person that I am and more importantly of Scottish descent, that
is simply why I will not be buying you. That is why I leave you sitting on the
shelf every time I am in the supermarket.
Because its daylight BLOODY robbery!!
Oh, but you do taste so good. Funny
thing is I never liked you until we met again in London. I remember trying you
as a youngster, cooked in a billy over an open fire on a school camping trip
and “Blech, disgusting, not eating that again!! But then my sister
re-introduced us, one soggy Sunday morning along with Marks and Spencer
Ultimate Mash.. Ah it was the perfect comfort food for a
dodgy hangover.
Hmmm..... Oh I do so miss having
you for brunch on Sunday with my eggs...
So perhaps you can be my little secret,
hidden at the back of the pantry, hidden in amongst the other canned goods.
Hidden, so Mr P and the boys don’t see you. They can have the less tasty Kiwi
version; they would be none the wiser. I could wait until I am home alone to
bring you out, cook you up and scoff you down. Mmmm, I know it’s not nice not
to share, but too bad. I make the rules so I can break them...
But, No!!
But really, why not I ask myself? When
we were in London I had no problem going to the NZ shop and spending £4 or £5
on a pack of biscuits or some chocolate. Surely this is the same?
No, no of course it isn’t! Then I
just wanted a slice of “home”, something tasty to remind me of what I was
missing out on. To remind me of my childhood.
No, you will not be coming home with
me. I simply cannot bring myself to spend $4 on a can of Baked Beans...
But I may stop by next time I see you,
just so we can have a moment together perhaps even a quick roll in my
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Woo hoo, we are in.... Finally after 5 months of living out of
suitcases and turning my sister’s life and house upside down we are finally in
our own place. Okay, perhaps at this
stage it is more the banks then ours but nonetheless we now have a place to
call home.
All our stuff survived the boat trip out from the
UK, all 202 boxes with nothing broken or damaged. It is utterly amazing how much junk you
accumulate and then pay to get shipped across the other side of the world! Of course there has to be a reason why the
broken laptop made its way out here! Or
why the movers thought we would want the broken door handles from our old
kitchen or keys to the back door? Then there
are the heavy duty winter coats and boots we have. Not really needed where the average winter temperature
in this city is 11 degrees (Celsius). We
could make use of them and go skiing but since I have a pure hatred of snow
brought on by the last five winters in London I don’t think that will be happening
any time sort. Mr P is yet to explain
why he thought we would need the snow shovel and sled!
Also I am absolutely sure I cleaned everything
before we left but apparently the yoghurt stains on the sofas (don’t worry they
are leather) have proven me to be a lair.
The only thing that seems to be missing is a broom and feather duster
but I can and have lived without them before.
The boys are ecstatic of course to have all their toys, not to mention their own bedrooms again.
Some things are a bit weird, like seeing all our furniture
from London in totally new surroundings.
Going to redial a number on our phone and seeing all our London friends’
numbers or the number to our old local Chinese.
Where once I would be typing this and looking out at a magnolia tree in
full spring bloom I am now looking out at palm trees and listening to the noisy
sound of cicadas. It may sound tropical
but it is still suburbia...
I still do not have the settled feeling and still
have many decisions to make for myself but at least now I can do it knowing we
have a place of our own and that the boys are happy.
I still wish that we had settled back in Wellington
not Auckland as that is where we are from but hey shit happens. As they say “Don’t look a gift horse in the
mouth”, we were lucky enough to get out here as quick as we did with a job for
Mr P.
So chin chin, here’s to the next 10 or so years in
Auckland. Lets hope they are as good to us as the years in London were...
New Zealand,
Sunday, 11 March 2012
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Friday, 17 February 2012
Oh shit the boys.......!!
So I had a moment the
other day, it was a true “save yourself” moment. Just for a split second or two, okay maybe five I was just concerned about myself. A true moment
where I actually forgot about my little treasures (aka the boys)!
So picture the scene....

So picture the scene....
There we were in a
beautiful secluded bay on one of the islands about an hour out of Auckland. The
water was so clear that you could see the sandy bottom beneath. Sounds almost
perfect right? Apart from the fact it
was so bloody cold! Typically we picked the worse day of a long weekend
to have a family outing on the boat. We had the day planned out, stopping
along the way for a bit of fishing, then stopping at a bay for lunch and a
swim. Generally getting the boys used to being out and about on the
So anyway there we
were playing in the water, trying to convince the boys that it was warm while
covered in goose bumps and trying not to mutter too loudly about how frigging
cold it was. Then I spotted something out of the corner of my eye.
"Hmmm that’s
strange" I thought, "what’s that?"
So I looked again and
there swimming towards me (I am so sure it was after me) was a large black
shape. Did I mention how clear the water was? Then the panic truly set in.
“FUCK, there is
something in the water” I screamed while running like a lunatic out of the
Then I heard something
that was a bit like hitting a brick wall, “mummy, mummy, MUMMY!” Oh SHIT the boys, oh the shame, oh the bad mother guilt!
On turning round and
looking back in the water, Son Number 1 looked close to tears with his arms
stretched out and Son Number 2 was looking his usual confused self trying to
get a closer look at what was now swimming around them. As there were now
not one but two black shapes enjoying the water with them!
So after quickly
recomposing myself, the brave and dignified person that I am, went back into
the water to rescue the boys. While
trying to avoid what turned out to be two stingrays that had decided to spend
their afternoon in the same secluded bay as us.
So hit with the double
whammy of freezing water and the stingrays the rest of the afternoon passed
pretty much uneventful on the beach. Where Son number 1 had to do his
first poo in the bush in true Kiwi style and I had to wee behind a tree because
there was no way either of us was going back into the water unless it was time
to leave.
Oh and before you
think he was going to poo in the water, there is a loo on the boat.....
Friday, 10 February 2012
The Procrastinator within..... Part two..
Note to self..
You really need to do it! You can
only put it off for so long! You know he
is more than ready for it so why are you dragging it out as long as you can?
There are no more excuses you have used them all now:
“I can’t just yet as we are moving back to New Zealand”
“Wait a week or two until he is settled”
“After Christmas, after all we have a return 10 hour drive to deal with”
“Once the school holidays are over when there are no distractions”
No it has to be done, after all his brother was done much younger than he
is now and it went okay.
So what is stopping you? The mess,
the staying in, the running round after him, checking up on him, what?
“So what is stopping me?”
It’s kissing goodbye to his babyhood and
recognising the little person he is becoming. It’s like
watching him ride off on his bike without me for the first time, watching him jump into
the pool without me to catch him and loving it. It’s realising that soon he will no longer need me as much as he does now. It’s another little step towards his independence. Its
all this and much, much more....
Because he is no longer our little baby!
Of course I have many more excuses in my
head why to put it off for another month or so. Perhaps wait until we move at the end of this month?
But no, I know it needs to be done. So this is the weekend to do it....
Potty training,
Son No2
Sunday, 5 February 2012
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
It's a bit late I know..........
Happy New
Year to you all...
It has
been over a month since I have written a post. I would like to say it’s
because I have been too busy or that it’s because I have lost my blogging
mojo. But no, not really. The main reason is simply that I haven’t been bothered with blogging or even Twitter for that matter. I have
managed (just) to check my Google Reader but that is only every now and
So why no
because I have had absolutely no desire whatsoever to blog\write or tweet about
anything. Not sure why really, it certainly isn’t because I haven’t got
anything to say. I still have those thoughts and little conversations
swirling around in my head that I usually end up writing down.
I don’t
know, perhaps it’s just all the change we have gone thru moving countries, I
am as much out of my daily routine as the boys are. Also, it is the
summer holidays over here at the moment and lucky for us the schools got an
extra week off due to the term times being changed last year to accommodate the
Rugby World Cup. Can you think of any other country in the world that
would change their school year to accommodate a Rugby competition? No, I
didn’t think so! Good news is that they are back at school this Thursday,
and that’s a big collective Yah!!!!
Of course
there is also the possibly that once you are out of the habit of doing
something everyday then you soon learn to live without it. Living without
blogging and twitter now that’s a thought isn’t it!
But no, to be honest, it’s just me being extremely lazy and unmotivated. At the moment I just
can’t be arsed.
this week I have promised myself that I will give myself a big kick up the
backside and sort my shit out. Do all the things I have been putting off
and start writing down all the stuff that is in my head.
So watch
this space...
And if there
is still nothing in a month’s time can someone please give me a great big cyber
kick up the back side...