Sunday, 6 May 2012

Silent Sunday

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Silent Sunday


BavarianSojourn said...

That's actually quite cute, lovely picture! :)

Jen said...

Ooh, creepy crawly. I've come over all funny :)

sarah said...

oooh thats hooooge

Little Flower Baby said...

Eeek :-) what is it?

Herding Cats said...

What a great buggy picture.

Frankie Parker said...

Its a praying mantis, my boys are fascinated by the bugs here in NZ, a bit different to the UK...

Bibsey Mama said...

Great photo. We get lots of those here is Spain, but I am not brave enough to touch them.

Sarahmumof3 said...

ohhh a bright coloured bug my three would be fascinated with the new bugs too! :)

Helpful Mum said...

That looks amazing! Not quite the kind of creepy crawly you'd find round here!

Mama Max said...

Lovely!!!! I posted a bug one today too! As British expats in Texas, my kids and are are endlessly fascinated (and sometimes terrifies) by the local wildlife! Great shot!

Anonymous said...

Ah- it's ages since I've seen a decent sized Mantis. I don't miss the wetas though * shudder*

Coombe Mill - Fiona said...

Not to many of those here!

About Last Weekend said...

I love these wee fingers, they have made my day!