Sunday, 21 August 2011

Silent Sunday

For more great photos for Silent Sunday pop yourself over to mocha beanie mummy

Silent Sunday


Sarah said...

Cute as... Love the mid run you've caught them in :-) xx

76 sunflowers said...

Wonder where they are in a hurry to get to? X

Mum2babyinsomniac said...

Swimming?! x

Jenny said...

Makes me think "freeeedoommmm!'
Funny x

Unknown said...

Cool pic!

Frankie Parker said...

Cheers guys, for some bizarre reason they just like to take their clothes off and run round the back yard chasing each other....

Unknown said...

So fun!

bluebearwood said...

Love it! Are they running to something or away from something? Or are they just running??

PippaD said...

So adorable, and my niece's do this (strip off and chase each other!)

Sarahmumof3 said...

oh how cute, I love catching toddlers in mid run there is just something very cute about the wobbly run they do :)

Mari's World said...

'Quick, let's go!'
Gorgeous shot

MummyDichotomy said...

Great action shot. My two also love getting all their clothes off and running round chasing each other!

geekmummy said...

Lovely shot! They look like they've been potting together and are now heading off to put some devilish plan into action!

TheBoyandMe said...

Rahhhh! Love the exuberance

helloitsgemma said...

fab - love them both running off in their pants! it's hot today - would be great to run down the road in just my pants!

Frankie Parker said...

Hey Gemma, wouldn't that just be great to do that... think the neighbors would have an issue with it thou..

Stigmum said...

Brilliant! Mine used to do the same, commando! Actually, still does...!!! I can hear the mirth of yours!

Rebecca English said...

Fantastic shot.

Are you sure they are not copying anyone else in your household? ;-)

Frankie Parker said...

Hey Stigmum, welcome back.. yes given half the chance they would be going commando.. they find it hilarious..

Rebecca - i couldn't possible comment;-)

Claire Justine said...

Summer holiday fun :)

Jen Stanbrook said...

Lovely photo!! x

Emma said...

Well somebody needs a red cape to go with those red pants! Very sweet picture, I can imagine the squealing and shouting that was going on when this pic was taken! Emma

Twopointfourchildren said...

I love this picture! You can just imagine the fun they were having xx

Twopointfourchildren said...

I love this picture! You can just imagine the fun they were having xx

Frankie Parker said...

Hey Emma, what a great idea, know where i can get one?? It was chaos as it always is...

Leadership Learning said...

Hahaha that made me laugh.

Anonymous said...

What a cute pic - he looks like he's trying to keep up with his big bro!

Katie @mummydaddyme said...

hehe this photo made me chuckle! They look like little rascals off having mischief! x