Thursday, 11 August 2011

This Man - 100 Word Challenge

He had promised to protect her, this man.

But now it was too late, no one could cause her anymore pain or harm.  He would be there for her, to protect her, allowing no one near.

In the quiet of night he was sure he could still hear her.  Whispering his name, telling him that it wasn’t his fault, to move on with his life, that she still loved him.

No, he had failed in his promise, he had to make amends.

This man, spread out over her grave. He knew it wouldn’t be long before he would join her.

This post is part of the 100 Word Challenge hosted by The Heads Office, for more great posts head on over.


Sally-Jayne said...

This was so sad. I wonder what happened to make him feel it was his fault she died? I would love to read more of this to find out.

Fox in the City said...

Wow Jo that was really good and really deep! See, I was just thinking about it as a drunken night gone crazy.

Frankie Parker said...

Hi Sally-Jayne, thanks for stopping by, perhaps one day i will expand on it..

Thanks Jenn..

Sarah said...

That's really good!

Frankie Parker said...

thanks Sarah...

Lynda said...

How sad. Poor man, blaming himself. A tear-jerker, this one!


Only grief could compel a person to protect one who no longer needs it. The sadness and guilt here are palpable.

jfb57 said...

Oh my goodness - how sad & tragic. Brilliant writing to get so much passion into 100 words. Thank you so much for staying with the challenge.